In Australia, there are more than 2.6 million businesses in operation, with over 97.5% classed as small, employing under 19 people, 97% of these with an annual turnover under $5M.
Despite the number of SME’s continuing to grow over the past 20 years, one number has consistently stayed the same, the business rate failure within the first 3 years of operation. In Australia, the rate of business failure within the first 3 years of operation currently sits at 60%, and of those who fail 50% are deemed to be profitable.
The importance of small business for the continuing growth of market economies cannot be underestimated, however, the tools for helping these millions of business owners for years seemed out of reach. To meet this need and “gap” of knowledge and services in the marketplace, the business coaching category started to develop in the early 1990’s as an alternative to costly and project-focused business consulting services.
SABC mentoring programs provides support, training, and knowledge across 7 Pillars of success which is proven to provide results and to change lives.
(Australian Small Business & Family Enterprise Ombudsman: Aug 2022)
Every new client, every new business starts here! This is what stands us out from our competition!
If you run a company, lead or manage people at any level then being able to increase your ability to guide, direct and influence people is invaluable. A customised SABC program will allow a unique insight into the inner workings of your mind & personality, helping you discover a greater level of self-awareness than you ever thought possible. As your level of self-awareness increases, so will your personal satisfaction, motivation and ability to achieve goals and get results through your team.
If you have a team that you feel are currently under performing or you just cannot seem to get the desired results you want, then learning how to correctly decipher people’s behaviour and learning about the specific needs of others will increase your satisfaction and results.
SABC mentoring programs will give you the tools to help you crack the code to human behaviour and bring out the best in every member of your team, including you.
You can never truly have success in business unless you have ‘Financial Mastery’ and know the basic fundamentals of Profit & Loss Reports, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Cycles. This knowledge used at an operational level coupled with the advice & support of a good, qualified accountant will ensure your business grows & thrives.
Accountants generally manage your final numbers- the results, it is your responsibility to manage your numbers at an operational level to ensure you don’t experience cash flow issues during the year.
SABC mentoring programs will provide you with simple tools and training that is easily understood.
Time is OUR most valuable asset and the one thing that we all tend to take for granted. Have you ever noticed how much some people can achieve in a day compared to others or how relaxed others are when they get put under the pump. If you are one of those people who truly believe you perform better under pressure, give me a chance to show you how much better you can perform when you are in control.
Learn the secrets and disciplines to time management and you may even end up finding balance in your life through an SABC mentoring program.
I challenge any business owner on the planet to convince me that they are not in the business of sales. Every business from Funeral Director to Plumber, every industry from health care to manufacturing relies on the ability to influence people to purchase their products and services. SABC will help take the ‘stigma’ out of Sales and show you and your team how to effectively, efficiently and professionally help your prospects to buy your products & services.
We will even make it fun!
Using our Turn-ki Recruitment System there will be no need to employ those expensive recruitment agencies to help find you Staff that don’t meet your needs. Nobody understands your company requirements and the culture of your company like you do, so avoid wasting money on expensive recruitment campaigns and interviewing people who are ‘doomed to disappoint’. Instead learn the secrets the recruitment companies don’t want you to know and let us help you build your dream team!
SABC can help you get the dream team you deserve.
Every business has a sales department whether they admit it or not however a great majority of businesses do not allocate any time and resources to their marketing department- the one department whose sole responsibility is to drive leads/prospects to your salespeople. My experience shows that most business owners don’t fully understand the differences between advertising & marketing and in today’s market that is a recipe for disaster. If you want to truly stand out from the competition, then the answer is not to ‘dump money in expensive advertising campaigns’ because they don’t work. Get your marketing strategies in order and give your sales team a fair chance at getting the sale through a SABC mentoring program.